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Mount Bethel
Missionary Baptist Church

Mount Bethel Missionary
Baptist Church
Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church resides across the side street from its modest beginnings over 100 years ago. The wooden house was acquired in 1908 by Mrs. Alice Henderson as a place to worship. The first class was held on January 6, 1909 with Rev. Ruben Bryant bringing the first message. Soon after, Rev. J. W. Jackson came to offer his services and purchased their first literature.

The church was organized and given its first name, Mount Bethel Baptist Church. Through the years, the church was led by many great men. One of these was Rev. Mose Young who was called to pastor in 1930. He was known for visiting homes, praying for the sick, and enduring a nine-mile walk home after each Sunday evening service. He ordained 5 Deacons during his time at the church and was loved by all.
In the 1960s, the congregation aspired to build a new church. The site was on Bushnell Street across from the original church. Ground was broken in March of 1967 and the building was complete in May of 1972.
The new church was built of block and white plaster and is set among the graceful Live Oaks. The original structure continued to serve the church until recent years. It has stood through time as one of the few old church buildings still remaining in the Village.
Behind the new church, a serene cross stands alone under the oak canopy. It seems to captures the essences of this church and those who worship as one who can stand strong through the years of history.
Mount Bethel Missionary Baptist Church offers a full itinerary of weekly meetings as they continue on in service to the community.